Mistress of the Witchfire
PIP Code: 41091
Price: £22.95
Anastasia di Bray
PIP Code: 41061
Price: £7.50
Bloody Bradigan
PIP Code: 41054
Price: £7.50
Boson Grogspar
PIP Code: 41046
Price: £9.95
Cephalyx Agitator
PIP Code: 41116
Price: £11.95
Colbie Sterling,
Captain of the Black River Irregulars
PIP Code: 41145
Price: £8.95
Dirty Meg
PIP Code: 41053
Price: £7.50
Doc Killingsworth
PIP Code: 41047
Price: £7.50
Eilish Garrity
The Occultist
PIP Code: 41142
Price: £10.95
Angel of Retribution
PIP Code: 41062
Price: £12.95
Mage Hunter of Ios
PIP Code: 41001
Price: £7.50
First Mate Hawk
PIP Code: 41045
Price: £7.50
Gastone Crosse
PIP Code: 41111
Price: £10.95
Gorman di Wulfe,
Rogue Alchemist
PIP Code: 41014
Price: £5.95
Harlan Phineas Versh,
Illuminated One
PIP Code: 41081
Price: £7.50
Kell Bailoch
PIP Code: 41034
Price: £7.50
Lord Rockbottom
PIP Code: 41048
Price: £6.50
Madelyn Corbeau,
Ordic Courtesan
PIP Code: 41072
Price: £7.50
Major Harrison Gibbs
PIP Code: 41134
Price: £12.95
Master Gunner
Dougal MacNaile
PIP Code: 41052
Price: £7.50
Ogrun Bokur
PIP Code: 41025
Price: £16.95
Orin Midwinter
PIP Code: 41069
Price: £7.50
PIP Code: 41087
Price: £7.95
Raluk Moorclaw,
The Ironmonger
PIP Code: 41105
Price: £13.50
Gobber Speculator
PIP Code: 41006
Price: £4.50
Rhupert Carvolo,
Piper of Ord
PIP Code: 41015
Price: £7.50
Rutger Shaw,
Professional Adventurer
PIP Code: 41075
Price: £7.50
Savio Montero Acosta
PIP Code: 41132
Price: £13.50
Sergeant Nicolas Verendrye
PIP Code: 41125
Price: £11.95
Stannis Brocker
PIP Code: 41064
Price: £14.95
Steelhead Arcanist
PIP Code: 41152
Price: £14.45
Steelhead Gunner
PIP Code: 41156
Price: £13.45
Swamp Gobber River Raiders
PIP Code: 41127
Price: £11.95
Sylys Wyshnalyrr
PIP Code: 41089
Price: £8.95
Taryn di la Rovissi
PIP Code: 41076
Price: £7.50
Thor Steinhammer
PIP Code: 41063
Price: £8.95
Thrall Warrior
PIP Code: 41030
Price: £5.95